Insights and Updates on Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Treatment
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Mandatory Reporting: A Barrier to Help-Seeking for Individuals with a Sexual Interest in Children
Sexual interest in children is a deeply troubling and complex issue. While it increases the risk of committing child sexual abuse, it is also a persistent and stable factor in some individuals. Addressing this issue and protecting children requires a nuanced, balanced approach. Many countries around the world have adopted mandatory reporting laws, which require …

ACT at EUSPR 2024: Prevention In & With Communities
The 15th EUSPR Conference was a perfect opportunity for ACT to host a research symposium on innovative approaches to preventing child sexual abuse and exploitation (CSAE). The presentations showcased the critical importance of community engagement in prevention efforts and highlighted a key truth: Prevention cannot happen in isolation. Through a series of four presentations, researchers demonstrated …

Understanding the Etiology of Sexual Deviance: Implications for Prevention and Treatment
This blog post is based on the systematic review “Theories on the Etiology of Deviant Sexual Interests: A Systematic Review” by Schippers et al. (2024) published in Sexual Abuse. Introduction Sexual deviance remains a complex and often misunderstood phenomenon with significant implications for public health and safety. For professionals working in prevention and treatment, having …

Recent Activity in CSA Prevention & Role of ACT
ACT Against Child Abuse acknowledges that it is launching within an already growing sector, and the project team is dedicated to staying informed on the latest developments in child sexual abuse and exploitation (CSAE) prevention to ensure our goals are complimentary with other work. With a recent significant surge in new activities focusing on consolidating …

New Insights into Child Sexual Abuse Material Offending: Pathways and Prevention Strategies
This blog post is based on the research article “Accessing child sexual abuse material: Pathways to offending and online behaviour” by Donald Findlater, Richard Wortley, Dana Zuhair, and Alexandra Bailey, published in CrimRxiv on July 24, 2024. In the digital age, the proliferation of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) online has become a pressing concern …

Webinar Report: The Role of Anonymity in Treatment Offers
ACT Against Child Abuse recently hosted an online webinar for organisations that work therapeutically with individuals with a sexual interest in children about the role of anonymity in treatment offers for this target group. The goal of the webinar was to facilitate balanced discussion and sharing of diverse perspectives & experiences relating to this specific …

Webinar Report: Public Communication About Prevention & Treatment
ACT’s 2nd live webinar for organisations who work therapeutically with individuals with a sexual interest in children focused on public communication about prevention and treatment, which is a challenging area for small teams who face differing public responses to causer-related prevention. The goal of the webinar was to highlight strategies for communication that are supported …

ACT at The European Society for Prevention Research annual conference
ACT Against Child Abuse hosted two sessions at the The European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR) conference and members meeting, held Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The event served as an ideal forum for the exchange of innovative ideas and methodologies aimed at bolstering child sexual abuse prevention infrastructures and causer related prevention. Symposium: Overcoming Barriers …

The Future of a Pandemic: Child Sexual Abuse as a Global Challenge
This article was initially published by the Australian Psychological Society in InPsych 2021 | Vol 43 | August Special | Issue 3 The term ‘pandemic’ (from the ancient Greek “pan” meaning total, comprehensive, all and “demos” meaning people) is one we have all become intimately acquainted with in the past years due to the spread …